St. Stephen's Has...​
​Warmth and friendliness,
Dignified and inspiring worship,
Reverence towards God.
St. Stephen's Is...
​A community of caring Christians rooted in the godly traditions of the past,
Focused on the challenges of the present,
Hopeful for the future,
Continuing in the Faith once delivered to the saints.
Our Clergy:

Rev. Garrett J. Agajanian, Rector
Rev. Garrett J. Agajanian received a Bachelor Degree in Theology from I.M.I Bible College and Seminary in Southern, California in 2000. He began study for his M. Div. at Cranmer House Seminary in Dallas, Tx. in 2019, and was ordained a Presbyter in the Reformed Episcopal Church in August of 2023 by the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Dr. Ray Sutton.
Before being received into the Reformed Episcopal Church, Fr. Garrett and his wife Lauren, were very involved with ministry in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Garrett also spent years as a Christian Country music artist working closely with his father and uncle, Danny and Dennis Agajanian. Fr. Garrett is married to Lauren Agajanian and they have three children.
Phone: (970) 250-1825
Email: ststephensmontrose@yahoo.com
Alt.: eliagajanian@msn.com

Rev. Deacon Alan Gillidette
Dcn. Alan worked for many years in the aerospace industry, and lived in several places in the United States. He and his wife, Patti, settled in Montrose in 1993. After serving as Sr. Warden for many years, Dcn. Alan was ordained to the Diaconate in 2009.
Phone: (970) 249-4868
Email: dcnalan@ststephensmontrose.com

The Most Rev. Ray R. Sutton, PhD
Bishop Sutton became the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid-America and Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church in November of 2016. He is currently resident at Church of the Holy Communion Pro-cathedral in Dallas, TX, where he served as Rector for many years. He also serves as Dean of Ecumenical Affairs for the Anglican Church in North America.
He is married to Susan Sutton, and they have seven children.
Phone: (972) 248-6505
Website: www.recdma.org
Our Vestry:

Left to fright: Elizabeth Mebane (Jr. Warden), Philip Prier (Treasurer), Diane Prier (Member-at-large),
Carol Jackson (Member-at large), Erin Berge (Sr. Warden), and DeeAnn Harrington (Secretary)